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Tag: Economy

Pitchfork is dead, but good reviewing doesn’t have to die with it.

Eli Zeger

Is there anything left to anti-imperial visions of global commerce?

Kate Yoon

After decades of deference to the market, states are exerting greater control over capital. In the face of climate change, it may be too little, too late.

Jonathan S. Blake

Decades after apartheid South Africa, student activists face a new obstacle: the financialization of university endowments.

Kian Braulik

On the Guyanese revolutionary’s writings on anticolonial struggle.

Noaman G. Ali, Shozab Raza

Biden’s industrial policy program promises a massive shift from decades of neoliberal orthodoxy. Can it deliver inclusive gains in time?

K. Sabeel Rahman

The post-work movement reckons with reproductive labor.

Rachel Fraser
Andrew Schrank

A liberal economist and a family abolitionist agree: our economic system makes human flourishing depend on social units it can't sustain.

Will Holub-Moorman

Instead of pouring public funds into private industry—as the United States did with COVID-19 vaccines—we must build public capacity and prioritize public objectives.

Christopher Morten, Reshma Ramachandran, Amy Kapczynski

How a little-understood feature of urban finance—municipal bonds—fuels racial inequality.

Clark Randall

The late South African intellectual and activist—imprisoned on Robben Island alongside Nelson Mandela—fought for a world without race and class.

Salim Vally, Enver Motala

The anti-regulatory ethos of libertarian economics has dire consequences.

Angus Deaton

Not as it’s traditionally done, but there are more equitable models.

Shobita Parthasarathy

Why did Chicago become the headquarters of free market fundamentalism? Adam Smith offers a clue.

Jonathan Levy

Redistributing land was once central to global development efforts—and it should be today.

Jo Guldi

Tax breaks for investors don’t help poor communities.

Timothy Weaver

Financial Times commentator Martin Wolf says “it's the economy, stupid.” The truth is more complicated.

Pranab Bardhan

For years the left has rallied around taxing the 1 percent, but this group is too narrow.

Alex Raskolnikov

Contemporary life has been deeply molded by financialization. But the speculative imagination can also be a tool for building a more just world.

Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou

The tone of exhausted pragmatism—even among friends of the program—is counterproductive. It is beyond time to fight fire with fire.

James G. Chappel

Two new books critique poverty capital, but they don’t ask what borrowers need. 

Kevin P. Donovan

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