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What Is the State For?

Should social movements work inside or outside the state? What would a just state look like, and how can we get there?

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Editors’ Note

Forum: Giant Steps

Olúfémi O. Táíwò

With responses from Ishac Diwan & Bright Simons, Tara Raghuveer, Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Mariame Kaba & Andrea Ritchie, Joe Guinan & Martin O’Neill, Claudio Lomnitz, and Thea Riofrancos. Táíwò replies.

Rule by Militia

Joshua Craze           

South Africa’s Enduring Unfreedom

S’bu Zikode interviewed by Richard Pithouse

The Question of Palestinian Statehood

Leila Farsakh

Three Cheers for the Administrative State

Janice Fine & Hana Shepherd

Is the State Here to Stay?

Jonathan S. Blake

Prison Reform’s Shell Game

Bonnie Tenneriello

For a Solidarity State

Leah Hunt-Hendrix & Astra Taylor

The Summers of Theory

Peter E. Gordon

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Get a free copy of this recent issue—featuring Aziz Rana, Lea Ypi, Adom Getachew & others—when you sign up for a print or supporter membership.

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