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Joshua Cohen

Joshua Cohen is co-editor of Boston Review, member of the faculty of Apple University, and Distinguished Senior Fellow in law, philosophy, and political science at University of California, Berkeley.


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Deborah Chasman, Joshua Cohen

Support us with a donation this giving season. 

Deborah Chasman, Joshua Cohen

What if “post-growth living” could be an opportunity for greater pleasure, not less?

Deborah Chasman, Joshua Cohen
In a deeply unequal society, the law can certainly impede progress, but it also remains an essential resource in building a more just world.
Deborah Chasman, Joshua Cohen
Our new book offers a deeper understanding of the current challenges of AI and a rich, constructive, morally urgent vision for redirecting its course.
Joshua Cohen, Deborah Chasman
A transcript of our panel discussion on the Green New Deal and our new book Climate Action.
Joshua Cohen, Edward J. Markey, David G. Victor, Alyssa Battistoni, Thea Riofrancos, Robert C. Hockett

Part two of a conversation on voter turnout, vote counting, and what we can expect now. 

Reed Hundt, Joshua Cohen
Donald Trump's winning strategy.
Reed Hundt, Joshua Cohen
Deborah Chasman, Joshua Cohen
What does gender equity in a democracy look like?
Deborah Chasman, Joshua Cohen
Boston Review talks with Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton about COVID-19, the relationship between culture, financial hardship, and health, and why capitalism’s flaws are proving fatal for America’s working class. 
Joshua Cohen, Angus Deaton
Our new issue explores anger in its many forms—public and private, personal and political—raising an issue that we must grapple with: Does the vast well of public anger compromise us all?
Joshua Cohen, Deborah Chasman


A pluralistic democracy is built on debate, disagreement, and wakeful action. This forum begins the conversation.

Joshua Cohen

Forum Responses

Sabeel Rahman’s democratic conception of public goods is founded on the idea of a public responsibility for ensuring the essentials of a democratic society. Public goods are among those essentials. They answer...
Joshua Cohen
An interview with Ambassador Olara Otunnu.
Joshua Cohen

Reading Lists

Happy birthday, John Rawls! We celebrate the political philosopher’s centenary, as well as the 50th anniversary of the publication of “A Theory of Justice.” 

"A tremendous resource in this time of chaos."

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"An indispensable pillar of the public sphere."

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